The Energy Leadership Index: A unique assessment tool that will change the way you look at leadership!

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Energy Leadership Index

The following information is excerpted from the institute for professional excellence in coaching (IPEC), the owner and developer of the Energy Leadership Index and the Energy Leadership Development System.

During any typical workday, most people spend a great deal of time focusing on what’s wrong — with their family, their jobs, their projects, their colleagues, their relationships, and their lives. At work, it’s not surprising that studies show that more than 50 percent of the people in our nation’s workforce would choose, if they could, to quit their jobs.

What will it take to shift the pressure and negativity that surrounds us? It will take powerful leaders who are skilled, highly sophisticated, versatile, and who understand the power of energy.

A Mirror That Reflects Your World

The Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities. The E.L.I. forms the initial launching point for the Energy Leadership Development System, providing a baseline for your current performance. The insights that you’ll gain from the Energy Leadership assessment and debrief alone will change the way you view your world.

Background: An Attitudinal Assessment

There are two main types of assessments: Personality and Attitudinal. Personality-based assessments, such as Myers Briggs and D.I.S.C. are very valuable tools that pinpoint certain personality types so that people can better understand their natural strengths and weaknesses.

The E.L.I. however, is an attitudinal assessment, which measures your level of energy based on your current perception and perspective of your world. Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered. By working with a coach using the E.L.I., you can make a shift in your awareness, alter your attitude and perspective, thus elevating your energy and leadership effectiveness.

Energy and Why it Matters

More than a hundred years ago, Albert Einstein addressed the scientific community, passionately presenting the idea that everything we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is not matter, but energy. Everything that “matters” is energy.

As part of the Energy Leadership Index assessment and debrief process, you’ll learn about the 7 levels of leadership and how much energy you currently have in the catabolic-suppressing range and in the anabolic-inspirational range. You will also gain important insights to how you respond to stress. You’ll be debriefed on the findings of the assessment, and receive coaching on how to navigate to higher energy and performance.

If you proceed on to the Energy Leadership Development System, you’ll be guided through a series of custom-selected modules to accelerate your progress towards being the leader you want to be!

Special Offers

We offer the ELI Assessment as a complementary service included with all of our executive coaching programs. For those who are interested in completing the ELI outside of a coaching program, we offer this service (which includes a 90 minute debrief with a coach) for as low as US $299.00 per person.

We also offer the ELI 360 degree assessment, which allows you to assess feedback from your managers, peers, and direct reports in a way that will help you understand how your “energy” impacts those you work with.

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